Friday, December 27, 2019

Why playfulness is now more important than ever

Why playfulness is now mora important than everWhy playfulness is now mora important than everAfter the death of Isaac Newton - a mythic figure even in his own lifetime - the poet Alexander Pope wrote the following epitaph for himNature and natures laws lay hid in nightGod said Let Newton be and all was light.When you read something like this about a figure of history, it becomes hard to imagine them as mortal. Most of us dont invent calculus or redefine optics in ur 20s. We certainly dont walk around laying down new foundations for the study of nature.But mortal they were. And as fascinating as it is to deify them, its perhaps just as interesting to imagine what they may have been like in person.We know that Newton was both humble and arrogant. When facing the laws of nature, he approached his work with reserved caution. When dealing with his rivals, however, he could be petty and vindictive - notlage exactly the stoic image of perfection that first comes to mind.We know that in spite of his great fame, he lived a mostly solitary life, not too focused on developing his interpersonal relationships, perhaps even dying a virgin. It makes you wonder how different the world may have been had he been more tempted by those very normal human interests.The most telling thing about him, however, I think, comes from a reflection he supposedly shared with a friend about his life right before he diedI do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.I like this because it shows you the child in him, the one we can recognize in our own reflection if we pay attention. But more so, I like it because, from this human image, we can take out something for ourselves, something that I think is becoming more relevant today.The Evolutionary Purpose of P layOn one end, the idea that Newton lived such a solitary life brings about a slight sadness that I cant immediately shake. But then, when I read his own description of how it looked from the inside, it fades away.The activity of play is universal among all human cultures that have been studied. We can define it in various ways. When the idea is brought up, each of us imagines something slightly different, but at a core level, its clear that we are all still talking about roughly the same thing.Its an activity we do just to do it, at least on the surface. Its fun and exciting, and the fact that it doesnt feel like its stressful because were associating it with some future reward seems to make it more free, more honest.Scientists, of course, disagree a fair bit about both how to define play and what the evolutionary purpose of it is, but without getting bogged down by the details, our simple definition isnt too far detached from any truth, and in terms of purpose, it seems to be agre ed that it serves to either train us physically, socially, or cognitively.In this sense, play is an act of learning. More specifically, its a low-cost way to explore the world in order to obtain high-value advantages. To push it even further, its a search for the truth of the reality that we want to effectively inhabit as we live and as we age over time.When you are born into a particular cultural environment, you dont yet have all the tools to make sense of it. You have to do the work to figure out where the boundaries are, what norms are accepted, and the different skills that will be required from you as you become a member of society.Like Newton, as a child, you walk around picking up different pebbles and shells, studying them, identifying their relationships to the surrounding world and to other people, and then based on that, you start to store information that is consistent with your experience as to guide future experiences.The key thing to note about play is that because i t isnt entirely purposeful, the boundaries are blurred, which then allows you to redefine them so you can see something new, something that provides value in a way you may not have realized by acting out of duty.Mixing Exploration and ExploitationThe most obvious thing about this kind of fun is that its more common in children than it is in adults. And it makes sense By the time you are an adult, you have mostly done the work required to figure out your surroundings.Based on this relationship to play, we can roughly divide life into two realms of existence a period dominated by exploration and a period dominated by exploitation. You spend the first part of your life exploring, seeing, and understanding, but once some of it has sunk to a satisfactory level, you start to exploit the fruits growing on the foundation you have laid.By Newtons analogy, after a certain period, you have picked up all the pebbles and shells you are likely to play with, and you walk away from the ocean conten t to just continue rolling those same ones over in your hands.For the physical lessons born out of play, this makes sense. After a certain point, you have learned how to use your body and you dont need to test it in different ways throughout your life. You know how to run, and you know how to play a sport you love, and it makes sense to just keep doing those things over time, with nothing lost.There is, however, a problem when pursuing this same explore-exploit pattern in the social and the cognitive aspects of our life. Today, the social and cognitive aspects are far more complex than before. Our culture is evolving at a rate which means that if you dont keep up with it, then you no longer understand the truth of that reality as you live in it.In a world that doesnt change too fast, a brief childhood of exploration would give you all the information you would need to deal with the various norms around you and with the decision-making patterns that are likely to arise. But in a cult ure that is increasingly networked, doubling the amount of information produced every few years, there can no longer be a difference between the exploration and the exploitation phase.Newtons search for truth moved him from pebble to shell throughout his whole life, but it didnt mean that he left the old ones behind for the new ones. He gave exploitation his due attention, while also playfully keeping an eye out for the hidden truths in the peripheries.Not making room for play in modern adult life is a strategic disadvantage. Exploration and exploitation are no longer distinct. They are continually co-evolving as the world quickly unfolds around us.Dealing With a Larger TerrainToday, culture is more complex, information is more abundant, and our collective environment covers a greater terrain of reality.Play is how we map out this terrain. Traditionally, it was enough to simply spend our childhood and some early parts of our youth having our fun, without following the usual rules, w ithout being too constrained by duty and routine, to make sense of everything.This is no longer the case. Our environments are no longer static. Theyre dynamic in a way that means that if you dont keep up, youre essentially not living in the same social and cognitive reality as those around you.While in the past exploration was a distinct phase from exploitation, today, they have merged. You can no longer get away with spending the first few decades of your life playing and then dedicating the belastung few to work. Play and work have to occupy the same range.To many of us, the idea of play in this way is so foreign that even if all of this makes sense, the question remains What does play look like when you are, say, 30 or 40 or 50? And the answer is that it looks like a space of time, simply left to be dictated by curiosity beyond what you do out of habit - that could mean anything from taking an improv class to simply reading more.The pebbles and the shells Newton picked up gave us the elementary laws of nature that we have since built our understanding of reality on. They led us to uncover the knowledge in front of us so that we could better master our surrounding environment.In the 21st-century, playfulness wont just remain a cute memory of childhood. It will be the foundation that we use to construct and validate the truths of our ever-changing reality.Want to think and live smarter? Zat Rana publishes a free weekly newsletter for 30,000+ readers atDesign Luck.Thisarticlewas originally published onDesign Luck.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Silent Service (U.S. Navy Submarine Duty)

Silent Service (U.S. Navy Submarine Duty)Silent Service (U.S. Navy Submarine Duty)There are three types of submarines in the United States Navy arsenal, however all require a nuclear power plant and highly educated and qualified personnel to operate these2.4 billion dollar weapon systems. The three types of submarines are fehlte nicht viel attack submarines (SSN), ballistic missile submarines (SSBN), and cruise guided missile submarines (SSGN). The fast attack are typically smaller and faster than the other subs and have more of a tactical mission of ship and submarine attacks, intelligence gathering, even launching cruise missiles. However, the newly converted SSGN (cruise missile submarines) are updated former ballistic missile submarines and have the most advanced technology capable of launching cruise missiles, mini-submarines, and special operations personnel. The following story is about the life onboard a ballistic missile submarine whose main mission is the strategic defense of our nation as it is loaded with nuclear ballistic missiles that can be launched from below the surface from anywhere in the worlds oceans. Life Onboard A SSBN Meet Machinists Mate 3rd Class Trevor Kopp and his 154 teammates who all are stationed in Kings Bay, Georgia, one of the Navys submarine bases. These teammates call a 560 foot-long steel boat with no windows, no fantail, and in the event of a casualty no easy escape - home. These teammates are submariners. Every submariner is familiar with the dangers involved with living and travelling the worlds seas underwater can bring. But they go to sea anyway, cruising below the oceans stealth and concealment. fruchtwein people, many Sailors included, think theyre crazy. But like any family, when nobody else understands them, they understand each other. To be a submariner you have to be different, said Murtha. It takes a unique mindset to handle being isolated from people, the sun, and fresh air as long as we are. Most people j ust cant handle the thought of being underwater, but submariners never really think about it. We try to tell people that being submerged at 400 feet is just like sitting on your couch in the living room, but I guess they just cant get past having that much water above their heads. Everyone Can Save The Boat - Damage Control Murthas words go a long way in understanding why the submarine warfare qualification process, the one and only passage into the Dolphin-wearing brotherhood, has always been mandatory. Earning your Dolphins is what signifies to the rest of the crew that you can and will be trusted with our lives, said Electronics Technician 2nd Class (SS) Joseph Brugeman. I know everyone aboard personally, and that level of familiarity allows me to trust them in a casualty situation. I couldnt imagine trusting my life and the life of the boat with anyone I didnt know personally. If youre on my boat and youre wearing Dolphins, then I trust you, period. I dont care if youre a ye oman, cook, missile technician or mechanic I know youve got my back. It doesnt get any more intimate than that. When a new Sailor reports aboard any submarine and gets his boats submarine warfare qualification card, hell find blocks for pneumatics, hydraulics, sonar and even the weapons systems. What he wont find any signatures for is the very thing that wearing Dolphins is all about trust. But once youre wearing them, trust is the one thing that rank and rating knowledge cant compare to. Wearing Dolphins means much more than knowing how to draw all of the boats hydraulic, steam, electronic and air systems, said Culinary Specialist 3rd Class (SS) Jeff Smith, the Blue Crews night baker. It means more than being able to explain how a drop of seawater outside the boat makes it into your cup in the galley. No, wearing Dolphins means that the crew trusts you to know how to save the boat regardless of the casualty, and regardless of your rating or rank. Earning that trust makes you muc h more than a professional Sailor, it makes you a member of the submarine family. On my boat, said CDR Robert Palisin, Maines Blue Crew commanding officer, everyone is expected to know how to save the boat. We dont discriminate based on what your rating or even your rank is. My cooks should and do know how to fight a fire in the engine room, just like my nuclear-trained mechanics are expected to know how to isolate a power supply if smoke comes from the sonar shack. Everyone on a submarine is the damage control party everyone. Palisin was careful to explainthat damage controlis much more than just knowing what to do if something bad happens. Its being confident enough in your knowledge of the boats systems to speak up if someone else on the crew is about to make a mistake that affects ships safety. In the submarine force, we put an emphasis on being right more than what a Sailors rank might be, because everyone aboard a submarine is expected to be a backup to his shipmate, said Pal isin. Even I, as the captain of this boat, would expect the mostjuniorchef Sailorto jump up and down screaming his head off if I made a mistake that endangered the ship. Our lives depend on knowing that we can count on each other to watch our backs, to make sure the safety of the ship is placed well ahead of rank or rate. Palisin, like all boat captains, makes sure his crew knows how to fight any casualty by constantly running casualty drills throughout the boats deployment. After all, practice makes perfect, and when you have only yourselves to count on, being perfect is the only standard good enough to keep you alive. We practice responding to casualties so much that we do it instinctively, said MM2(SS) Jim Crowson. Our training has to be instinctive. Otherwise, we might get scared first instead of responding if the real thing ever goes down. At 400 feet, theres no time to be scared. Im not trying to sound machoits just the reality of how to survive when all you may have are secon ds before the boat sinks below crush depth. Despite going to sea on a boat with no windows, no fantail, no helipad or even a hatch to allow in some tension-breaking fresh salt air, submariners are still Sailors at heart. These brothersall volunteer for submarine duty, and their commitment is no different than the Sailors onaircraft carriers, cruisers or even tugboats. They love their country, uphold theNavys Core Valuesof honor, courage, and commitment and want to make it back safely from every deployment. As the silent service, though, theyd just rather you didnt talk about it.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Science-backed ways to stop procrastinating and be more productive

Science-backed ways to stop procrastinating and be more productiveScience-backed ways to stop procrastinating and be more productiveWhen faced with a towering list of tasks that you would rather ignore, you often procrastinate. French writer Nicolas Chamfort said, swallow a toad in the morning if you want to encounter bedrngnishing more disgusting the rest of the day. No, you do bedrngnis have to eat actual frogs to be more productive, so put down the forks and baguettes. In literary terms Chamfort is talking about tackling the largest task first. By accomplishing the thing you are dreading right away the rest of your day will be much easier. This sets you up for psychological success by continuing to accomplish tasks that are now much easier and less daunting than your days first frog.That is easier said than done. It is so tantalizing to give into distraction and procrastination- after all it is human nature and a vice we have been struggling with for thousands of years. The ancie nt Greeks, like Socrates, even had a term for it called, akrasia, or a moral weakness where you act against your better judgment.Why you procrastinateThis weakness that causes you to procrastinate has been clinically linked to a few subconscious factors including rebelliousness, poor time management, lack of persistence, and neuroticism. Which means you are putting off important projects because you may be rebelling against pre-determined deadlines, do not realize the task requires more time than you allotted, you find the task boring and not worth continuing, or find it so overwhelmingly complex you do not know where to begin.Procrastination may also be physically detrimental. Bishops University in Quebec published a study last June that linked self-proclaimed procrastinators with a higher likelihood of heart disease. While the study did not make a causal claim, it does present obvious correlations to those who consistently avoid beneficial tasks-like exercise and eating healthy- to more chronic health issues.Behavioral psychology research has revealed that procrastination is also linked to a condition called time inconsistency. This refers to the tendency of the human brain to value immediate rewards as more valuable than rewards for your future self.This where those less-than-delicious frogs come in. The good news is that what you do now will set your future self up for success.Start with one bite at a timeFirst start by organizing your dreaded tasks and breaking them into chunks. Keeping things simple and succinct will not only help you stay focused but may also show you that the giant frog youve been putting off is actually just comprised of small tasks that can be checked off bite by bite.Psychologist George Miller coined the term chunking in a 1955 Harvard essay. In Millers experiments, he observed that cognitive tasks fit into a channel capacity, and humans could only do so much in a span of time. He related this closely with short-term memory and foc us, and results suggest that chunking large tasks is more manageable for your brain to handle.In Millers experiment, subjects were asked to listen to a string of numbers and recite them. Subjects that chunked the list into small groups were able to recount up to forty digits, whereas subjects trying to remember the entire string resulted in far less. Miller concluded that those breaking the large series into sizable chunks were able to build more of the chain compared to those who tried to tackle the chain in its entirety.Chunking a giant project into smaller, more manageable bites makes it much easier to prioritize, get started, and stay focused, without feeling overwhelmed. Youll find that the unpleasant task you had been putting off is comprised of a few manageable tasks when organized in chunks.Track your frogsSetting clear goals and tracking your daily progress keeps you focused and determined. A written list helps you stay persistent and also allows you to landsee your achieve ments completed- not just for the day, but over weeks and months. Get creative with what you track as well. Timing yourself and logging how long tasks take allow you schedule your time with greater efficiency.Set the tableWriter James Clear says, the problem is not doing the work, its starting the work.Reducing start time is another important factor in staying productive. If eating a morning frog is your first task, make sure you have your fork and knife ready. That means your documents are in order, your workspace is optimized and your devices are all where you need them.Curbing procrastination starts by making work for your future self as easy as possible. Chefs often use a technique called mise en place, French for putting in place. This idea is less about keeping things tidy and more about habitually prepping yourself with the tools, information, and environment to easily start and complete projects.Team eatsWorking with a group or having a gruppe that holds you accountable is a n simple way to motivate yourself to finish all your tasks. Having colleagues and friends working together keeps you disciplined when your focus begins to drift. Tell trusted colleagues what youre working on, or have friends check in on you. Making this a habitual event - perhaps with shared calendar reminders - is another easy way to improve your productivity.DessertWhat goes well with a morning frog? James Clear suggests temptation bundling, a method where you pair things you love with tasks you may be procrastinating. For example, listening to your favorite podcast only when you exercise. This helps you psychologically associate some of your favorite things with working hard, making it easier to get started, stay focused, and clear your plate.While the psychology and even genetic relationship of procrastination will continue to puzzle humanity, understanding how your mind tackles procrastination is the first step to increasing productivity. Aristotle also coined the term enkrat eia, the opposite of akrasia, which is the power over oneself. Using this systematic approach to eat your daily frogs will allow your focus to determine your reality.To which we say Bon appetit.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Tips for Evaluating Stock Options in a Job Offer

Tips for Evaluating Stock Options in a Job OfferTips for Evaluating Stock Options in a Job OfferIf you work in an in-demand industry, have a rare skill, or simply get lucky at the right company, you might land a job offering stock options. Owning a piece of a companys growth can provide an extra incentive on the job, and it has helped employees at all sorts of companiesincluding Microsoft, Amazon, Google, and Facebookbuild substantial wealth. When considering or comparing a compensation package with stock option benefits, understand exactly how stock options work and what they might be worth. What Is a Stock Option? A stock option gives an employee the ability to buy shares of company stock at a certain price, within a certain period of time. The price is known as the grant price or strike price, and its typically based a discounted version of the price of the stock at the time of hire. Purchasing the stock shares at the grant price is known as exercising your options. Employees who exercise their options and sell their shares when the companys stock is trading significantly higher than the grant price have the potential to make a lot of money. For example, say you have the option to buy 5000 shares at $10 and sell the stock at $50, with a $50,000 investment you end up with $250,000. How do employees come up with the cash to exercise the options and buy the stock? You can use savings, rollover proceeds from another stock sale, or borrow from a brokerage account and pay it back immediately. Because stock option plans typically vest over time, employees dont need to purchase the shares all at once. Under a typical vesting schedule, the employee may only own 25 percent of his options after year one, 25 percent after year two and so on, until 100 percent vested in year four or five. Timing is important, however. If the stock price is trading lower than the grant price, the options are said to be underwater. Exercising options is useless if the employee can buy shares of the company stock for less on the open market. Types of Stock Options There are two types of stock options qualified incentive stock options (ISOs) and nonqualified stock options (NSOs). Most employees get NSOs, which are priced at a discount and taxed at ordinary income tax rates. Qualified ISOs, usually reserved for top executives and key employees, are taxed at a lower capital gains rate, which tops out at 20 percent for gains on investments held for longer than a year. A tax hit occurs once the options are exercised, so you pay either income tax or capital gains tax depending on whether your option is qualified, based on the grant price. Once you exercise the options, you can sell the shares after a short waiting period, or hold onto the shares and wait for the stock to increase further before selling. Some investors hedge their bets by doing a bit of each. Why Do Employers Offer Stock Options? Once reserved only for the executive team, stock options became a p opular form of compensation during the tech boom in the late 1990s. In fact, the NCEO reports that there were 30 percent more workers with stock options in 2001 than in 2014. Back then, there were many tales of stock option success, and certain types of employees were looking for a sense of ownership in their workplace that went beyond the paycheck. Stock options offered a way to give everyone in the company an additional stake in the geschftliches miteinander growth. By 2001, so many options were underwater that they lost some of their appeal among the corporate masses. But in the world of start-ups, enough people got very wealthy from stock options that they remain a great tool for attracting early-stage talent. There are a variety of reasons employers want to offer stock options. Discounted company stock can increase a loyal employees compensation without hurting profits. Vesting programs can help build longer-term loyalty among employees. The sense of shared ownership can foster a strong corporate culture. Employees literally help to grow the company not just as staff, but as shareholders. For employees, stock options can result in tremendous wealth, particularly if you join the company at an early or growing stage. On the flip side, those are the companies that are also likely to go under with only worthless stock options left behind. Its all about the timing, which is one of the downsides of stock options for employees who are not paying attention. Stock options have expiration dates and will be worthless if held too long. But deciding when to exercise before the options expire can be difficult as well. One camp says hold out as long as you can, waiting for the pinnacle price. On the other hand, you may risk waiting too long and miss the peak, or else exercise too early and miss more growth. There is no right answer. The circumstances will depend on your company, the market, or any number of things that you may not be able to predict. Should You Opt f or a Job With Options? All else being equal, stock options are generally a great perk. While they offer the potential to amass great wealth, however, theres also the potential for frustrating disappointment. If you accept a job with stock options, it is helpful to ask the menschlich resources representative if there is any guidance or advice to help sort out stock options for employees.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Top Personal Statement Examples for Resume Guide!

Top Personal Statement Examples for Resume Guide Personal Statement Examples for Resume Explained In the event you may require assistance on how best to compose personal bewertung, simply speak to us. When you compose a personal ansicht, you also will need to demonstrate that you realize what you are applying for. Use hyperbolic claims that you maynot back up. Having one will help you save you mora time as you will not need to keep remembering what things to write in the paper. It can be hard to know what things to open with in your private meinung before getting to the meat of it. Characteristics of Personal Statement Examples for Resume Personal meinungsA examplesA are meant to express an individuals story, basically. No matter what youre writing, ensure you sound very positive and enthusiastic. Welcome the reader in your life The debut of a personal statement ought to be interesting and provide the reader a reason to want to know you. Understanding how to compose per sonal statement is just one of the greatest ways by which it is simple to master the art of writing. All About Personal Statement Examples for Resume Whichever way you select, make certain you show some facets of imagination and individuality. Since the most important point of the essay is to give schools a feeling of who you are, youve got to open up enough to allow them to see your personality. A very good personal statement can allow you to get an edge over other candidates, thus maximizing your likelihood of getting admitted in the college. In our opinion its ideal to begin with why you wish to take your subject, and finish with why you need to visit university or what you would like to do afterwards. Answering these questions will assist you in preparing for the essay. Career Break Personal Statement People have various reasons as to why theyd want to have a career break. In the event the personal statement is for work or internship program, you can begin with a quick d escription of your experience, success and present status in the area. A personal statement on your CV is a fantastic way to provide your work application extra effect. Thus personal statement is an ambitious task. The personal statement is your opportunity to stand out as a person. It is not a confessional booth. A long personal statement is easily trimmed down. There will likely be some cases where there is not anything you can do, as an example, if youre applying for three totally unrelated subjects, each at two distinct universities. Although the wording of the personal statement requirement might vary from fellowship to fellowship, here are a few critical things to remember. In the event you may require help about how to write personal statement for scholarship, speak to us for the very best. Your own personal statement is among the principal things universities will appear at when deciding whether to provide you a place. You have to remember an essay example needs to have a significant tone to it, or in different words, it shouldnt be humorous. It is possible to also start the essay with an anecdote. At some stage, you may even will need to rewrite the entire essay. As stated previously, an excellent essay would adhere to the conventional personal essay format. What to Expect From Personal Statement Examples for Resume? Our private statement writers would love to present a set of private statement examples for your reference. Sit down and make an outline of what you would like to say before you begin writing. Search for unique angles Although theres so much that you can want to go over about yourself, it ought to be noted that a decent personal statement focuses on the unusual but outstanding elements. Based on the application, your private statement might be a single essay or a collection of short paragraphs. Personal Statement Examples for Resume - Is it a Scam? Statements are used by business owners as a way to monitor their insti tutions business operations from time to time. Personal statements can begin in a couple of distinct ways. They typically contain a persons qualities, qualifications, as well as experiences and goals. Your own personal statement should be tailored to your particular abilities and achievements. Personal Statement Examples for Resume and Personal Statement Examples for Resume - The Perfect Combination Its helpful to find different folks to read your statement and offer feedback. Think about what you would like to include Make a list of the things which you really need the individual receiving your private statement to understand about you. Our writing service is about to assist you with your private statement any moment It is possible to also demonstrate how ready youre by giving examples. The Benefits of Personal Statement Examples for Resume The absolute most memorable personal statements are ones with a very clear theme or purpose that unifies the ideas and data presente d. There are 3 unique structures to compose a personal narrative. In writing a general personal statement, you have the liberty of covering many elements about yourself that can allow you to secure the opportunity. You have to use your subject to reveal something deeper about yourself. What Everybody Dislikes About Personal Statement Examples for Resume and Why Choosingessay topics is essential for a student. Before starting, the very first thing you ought to understand is that the personal statement is easily the most significant part your admissions package. A personal statement, also referred to as an autobiographical narrative essay, is a significant part the college application approach.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

6 Ways to Hire the Best Virtual Employees - Spark Hire

6 Ways to Hire the Best Virtual Employees - Spark HireHiring a virtual employee is just like hiring anyone else except you may never meet them in person. That being the case, you need to be aya they have the skills to do the job and that they will understand your company and get their work done without being in a traditional office. How do you assess all these skills virtually? Here are some of the best tips to hire the virtual employees you need1. Know where to lookWhen youre hiring a virtual employee you can hire from anywhere in the world, so do some research about potential hot spots for the type of talent youre looking for, and target your job postings there.If youre looking for long-term commitments, avoid sites like or Upwork. While you can find great people there, mora often than not, they will be working side jobs and wont be focused on your business. Instead, use more traditional job posting sites, such as, Indeed, or LinkedIn. People on those si tes are usually looking for career advancement over a quick buck.Keith Brink, CEO, TwassistantUse traditional job posting sites to source top talent KeithBrinkVirtualEmployeesClick To Tweet2. Use video screeningUsing a webcam for vorstellungsgesprching is a must When hiring virtually, you miss a persons facial expressions and professional appearance when on the phone. Even though its a virtual position, you want to know that the person is still polished and professional in the event travel is involved later down the road or they are on a video call with a client. It also shows good judgment when a person is dressed professionally for a webcam interview. They should not be more relaxed just because they are interviewing in their home. If they dont put their best foot forward during the interview process, then when will they? You can tell those who will take the work-from-home position seriously from those who will not.Have more than one webcam interview scheduled on different days wi th two different people conducting the interview. You want to see consistency from the candidate during each interview. For example, are they dressed professionally both times? Do they answer questions the same with both people? Were they on time to each interview? Lisa Archetti, PHR, SHRM-CP, Human Resources Manager, LLCWhen hiring virtually, video screening is the way to go Lisa Archetti of AccountingDeptClick To Tweet3. Get the team involvedOnce youve narrowed down the candidate pool to just a few top contenders, its worthwhile to get input from others especially those with whom the candidate will have close working relationships.Team members then have the opportunity to ask questions and engage in a conversationwith candidates to get to know them better. This allows everyone to see how a new hire would fit into the company culture, an important but often overlooked factor to consider.Rick Lepsinger, President, onpoint ConsultingWhy you should include o thers in hiring decisions tips from lepsingerCompanyCultureClick To Tweet4. Hold a trial runTake the opportunity to plan a trial with each candidate. Maybe for a few hours one day, send them a task or two to complete. Make sure to include a video call meeting so that you can assess their ability to accurately capture your needs and execute them in a quality way.Rachel Cargle, Founder and CEO, The Aide-de-Camp CollectiveREAD 6 Tips You Need to Know to Hire Awesome Virtual EmployeesClick To Tweet5. Test for service skillsI compile a spreadsheet of the top candidates and give them an email from an upset customer to see how they would respond. Even if I am not hiring for customer service I do this. It gives great insight as to how a person treats others, how detail-oriented they are, and much more about their personality.I then take those responses that I like and do interviews. If I am hiring for a client, then I pick the top three, after I interview, and have the client then talk to them.Sara Wagers, ansprechbar Business Strategist, Virtual Biz PartnerCheck out this creative way to test for service skills during the interview via sarawagersClick To Tweet6. Have a conversationA tip that I feel is underutilized in virtual hiring is just simply having a conversation Yes, its important to ask about job history, education, experience, etc., but thats also why we have resumes. Talking to people about their interests, their values, asking them to explain howthey would resolve virtual conflicts or miscommunication, etc. instigates a much moreconversational flow. It helps to not only identify their qualifications, but gives you a feel for whether they could easily mesh into the company dynamic.Georgette Pascale, President and CEO, Pascale Communications, LLCVirtual hiring is just simply having a conversation PascaleComClick To TweetHow do assess virtual employees? Share your top tips in the comments below